Public Port Section(0-10)

Get version information


// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 01 01 
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//01       U8, Register
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 2A 01 00 36 2C 36 2C 58 49 31 32 30 32 2C 41 43 31 33 30 32 2C 76 31 2E 31 32 2E 31 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 2A    U16, Length 
//01       U8, Register
//00       U8, State
//36 2C 36 2C   U8, Type, Axes, 6,6,
//58 49 31 32 30 32 2C    U8, xArm Version XI1202,
//41 43 31 33 30 32 2C    U8, Control Box Version AC1302,
//76 31 2E 31 32 2E 31 30    U8, Firmware Version v1.12.10
//00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   U8, null  

Get SN information


// Request:
 00 01 00 02 00 01 02
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//02       U8, Register
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 2A 02 00 58 49 31 32 30 32 30 34 32 30 31 42 30 32 00 41 43 31 33 30 32 30 32 42 30 32 4C 30 32 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 2A    U16, Length 
//02       U8, Register
//00       U8, State
//58 49 31 32 30 32 30 34 32 30 31 42 30 32 00      U8, XI120204201B02
//41 43 31 33 30 32 30 32 42 30 32 4C 30 32 0A      U8, AC130202B02L02
//00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     U8, null

Reload friction parameters


// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 01 04 
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//04       U8, Register
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 02 04 10 
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//04       U8, Register
//10       U8, State

Get the value of Joint torque or actual current


// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 01 05
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//05       U8, Register
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 03 05 00 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 03    U16, Length 
//05       U8, Register
//00       U8, State
//00       U8, 0: Theoretical joint torque 1: Actual current of servo

Get the radius of rotation of the target joint relative to the TCP


// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 02 06 06 
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//06       U8, Register
//06       U8, Parameter 1(target joint:6)
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 06 06 10 00 00 00 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 06    U16, Length 
//06       U8, Register
//10       U8, State
//00 00 00 00    U8, Parameter 1(Radius of rotation)

Read whether some configs are enabled or not

Register: 07(0x07)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 01 07
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//07       U8,  Register
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 06 07 00 00 00 00 01
Response Description
//00 01        U16, Transaction ID
//00 02        U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 06        U16, Length 
//07           U8, Register
//00           U8, State
//00 00 00 01  U32, bit0: Bypassing Singularities, bit1~31: Reserved.

Remote shut down the operating system


// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 02 0A 01 
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//0A       U8,  Register
//01       U8,  1:remote shut down the operating system temporarily 2:reboot
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 02 0A 10
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//0A       U8, Register
//10       U8, State

Last updated