Other Robotic Arm Function(81-100)

Joint velocity control

Register:81 (0x51)

Set target joint velocity for joint velocity mode (mode 4)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 22 51 91 0A 06 3F CC CC CC BD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 CC CC 4C 3E
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 22    U16, Length 
//51       U8, Register
//91 0A 06 3F	FP32, Joint 1 target velocity: π/6 rad/s
//CC CC CC BD	FP32, Joint 2 target velocity: -0.1 rad/s
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Joint 3 target velocity: 0 rad/s
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Joint 4 target velocity: 0 rad/s
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Joint 5 target velocity: 0 rad/s
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Joint 6 target velocity: 0 rad/s
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Joint 7 target velocity: 0 rad/s
//01	U8, whether all joints accelerate and decelerate synchronously: 1-True
//CC CC 4C 3E	FP32, duration: 0.2s
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 02 51 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//51       U8, Register
//00       U8, State

Cartesian velocity control

Register:82 (0x52)

Set target Cartesian linear velocity and angular velocity, for cartesian velocity control mode (mode 5)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 1E 52 00 00 F0 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 41 91 0A 06 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CC CC 4C 3E 
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 1E    U16, Length 
//52       U8, Register
//00 00 F0 41	FP32,  Cartesian linear velocity: Vx = 30 mm/s 
//00 00 00 00	FP32,  Cartesian linear velocity: Vy = 0 mm/s 
//00 00 A0 41	FP32,  Cartesian linear velocity: Vz = 20 mm/s 
//91 0A 06 3F	FP32,  Cartesian angular velocity: ωx = π/6 rad/s 
//00 00 00 00	FP32,  Cartesian angular velocity: ωy= 0  rad/s 
//00 00 00 00	FP32,  Cartesian angular velocity ωz = 0  rad/s 
//00	U8,  is tool coordinate or not: 0-base coordinate 
//CC CC 4C 3E	FP32,  duration: 0.2s 
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 02 52 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//52       U8, Register
//00       U8, State

Relative motion

Register: 83 (0x53)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 1E 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 1E    U16, Length 
//53       U8, Register
//00 00 00 00	FP32, if TCP motion,parameter is X (mm). If joint motion,Parameter is J1 (rad)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, if TCP motion,parameter is y (mm). If joint motion,parameter is J2 (rad)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, If TCP motion,parameter is z (mm). If joint control,parameter is J3 (rad)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, If TCP motion,parameter is roll (rad). If joint motion,parameter is J4 (rad)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, If TCP motion,parameter is pitch (rad). If joint motion,parameter is J5 (rad)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, If TCP motion,parameter is yaw (rad). If joint motion,parameter is J6 (rad)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, If TCP motion,parameter is meaningless. If joint motion,parameter is J7 (rad)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, speed(mm/s, rad/s)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, acceleration(mm/s², rad/s²)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, move time(useless, just 0)
//00 00 00 00	FP32, radius(mm)
//00	U8, 0 is TCP motion, 1 is joint motion.
//00	U8, Only available in TCP motion. 0 is RPY, 1 is aixs angle.
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 02 53 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//53       U8, Register
//00       U8, State

Get the attitude represented by the axis angle

Register:91 (0x5B)

Get the current TCP pose, and use the axial angle to represent the pose of the robotic arm

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 01 5B  
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//5B       U8, Register
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 1A 5B 00 00 00 96 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 43 DB 0F 49 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 1A    U16, Length 
//5B       U8, Register
//00       U8, State
//00 00 96 43	FP32,  X=300mm
//00 00 00 00	FP32,  Y=0 mm
//00 00 16 43	FP32,  Z=150mm
//DB 0F 49 40	FP32,  Rx=π rad 
//00 00 00 00	FP32,  Ry=0 rad
//00 00 00 00	FP32,  Rz=0 rad

Linear motion with axis angle

Register:92 (0x5C)

When planning a linear motion, the target pose is expressed in terms of axis angle, which supports the absolute and relative target pose, as well as the motion options of the base coordinate system and tool coordinate system.

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 0D 5C 00 00 96 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 43 DB 0F 49 40 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 48 43 00 00 FA 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 0D    U16, Length 
//5C       U8, Register
//00 00 96 43	FP32, X=300mm
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Y=0
//00 00 16 43	FP32, Z=150mm
//DB 0F 49 40	FP32, Rx=π  rad
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Ry=0
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Rz=0
//00 00 48 43	FP32, motion speed=200 mm/s
//00 00 FA 44	FP32, acceleration=2000 mm/s²
//00 00 00 00	FP32, motion time, 0
//00	U8, motion reference, 0 is robot base (coordinate system), 1 is robot tool (coordinate system).
//00	U8, If the motion reference is the robot base, then 0 is absolute pose, 1 is relative pose.
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 03 5C 00 01
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 03    U16, Length 
//5C       U8, Register
//00 01    U16, State

Servo_Cartesian motion (axis angle)

Register:93 (0x5D)

An interface for receiving high-frequency continuous Cartesian motion, and the posture is represented by the axis angle.

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 26 5D 00 00 96 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 43 db 0f 49 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 43 00 00 FA 44 00 00 00 00 00   
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 26    U16, Length 
//5D       U8, Register
//00 00 96 43	FP32, X=300 mm
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Y=0
//00 00 16 43	FP32, Z=150 mm
//db 0f 49 40	FP32, Rx=π rad
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Ry=0
//00 00 00 00	FP32, Rz=0
//00 00 48 43	FP32, motion speed=200 mm/s
//00 00 FA 44	FP32, acceleration=2000 mm/s²
//00 00 00 00	FP32, 0 i the robot base coordinate system, 1 is robot tool coordinate system.
//00  U8,  If the motion reference is the robot base, then 0 is absolute pose, 1 is relative pose.
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 02 5D 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 02    U16, Length 
//5D       U8, Register
//00       U8, State

Last updated