RS485 Control on the End-effector(127-128)

Set the robot RS485 baud rate

Register: 127 (0x7F)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 08 7F 09 1A 0B 00 00 30 41
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 08    U16, Length 
//7F       U8, Register
//09	   U8, Host ID
//1A 0B	   U16,Address
//00 00 30 41	FP32, Parameter 1, by default is 11(2000000 bps).
0: 4800 bps; 
1: 9600 bps;
2: 19200 bps;
3: 38400 bps;
4: 57600 bps;
5: 115200 bps
6: 230400 bps;
7: 460800 bps;
8: 921600 bps;
9: 1000000 bps;
10: 1500000 bps;
11: 2000000 bps;
12: 2500000 bps;
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 01 7F
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//7F       U8, Register

Set tool digital output

Register:127 (0x7F)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 08 7F 09 1A 15 00 00 80 43
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 08    U16, Length 
//7F       U8, Register
//09	   U8, Host ID
//1A 15	   U16, Register start address
//00 00 80 43	FP32, Parameter 1, 256 in decimal, set tool digital output 0 low
256: Set tool digital output 0 to low
257: Set tool digital output 0 to high
512: Set tool digital output 1 to low
514: Set tool digital output 0 to high
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 01 7F 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 01    U16, Length 
//7F       U8, Register
//00       U8, State

Get the status of the tool digital input

Register:128 (0x80)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 04 80 09 0A 14
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 04    U16, Length 
//80       U8, Register
//09	   U8, Host ID
//0A 14	   U16, Register start address
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 06 80 00 00 00 00 00
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 06    U16, Length 
//80       U8, Register
//00       U8, State
//00 00 00 00    U8, 
The end byte indicates the input status. The digit of 0 corresponds to input 0 and the digit of 1 corresponds to input 1.

Get the value of the tool analog input

Register:128 (0x80)

// Request:
00 01 00 02 00 04 80 09 0A 16
Request Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 04    U16, Length 
//80       U8, Register
//09	   U8, Host ID
//0A 16	   U16, Address
Address 0A 16 : Analog input 0
Address 0A 17 : Analog input 1
// Response:
00 01 00 02 00 06 80 00 00 07 0D
Response Description
//00 01    U16, Transaction ID
//00 02    U16, Protocol Identifier
//00 06    U16, Length 
//80       U8, Register
//00       U8, State
//00 00 07 0D    U8, analog input, range 0~4095, corresponding to 0~3.3V

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