
Released: 2023.07.04

Firmware V2.1.0

1. Compatible with new product 850

2. Add TCP/IP 30000 port 200HZ real-time report interface.

3. Add the interface for querying the status of avoid singularity function.

4. Fix some problems.

Studio V2.1.0

1. Compatible with new product 850

2. Live Control-Recording- compatible with 6-axis force torque sensor.

3. Live Control-3D interface supports displaying custom anti-self-collision model.

4. Live Control - End effector - set cylinder or cuboid anti-collision model support parameter saving.

5. Live Control-optimize the problem that TCP speed is too fast when TCP offset is set to a larger value.

6. Blockly-relative motion support variables.

7. Blockly-Run Trajectory support 1/2/4 times speed.

8. Blockly-support setting collision sensitivity.

9. Blockly-optimize Blockly's file operation.

10. Blockly-optimize the experience of zooming in/out Blockly code by mouse wheel.

11. Settings-Externals-optimize the using experience of 6-axis force torque sensor.

12. Settings-Device Info-support disable the robotic arm.

13. Settings-Log support recording the status code of S17/S18.

14. Settings-TCP-add guidance for downloading logs after TCP payload identification failure.

15. Settings-Advanced Settings-add bypass singularity switch.

16. Optimize the compatibility with iPad.

17. Optimize the file directory of Python IDE.

18. Add joint number and joint angle display to the error of joint angle over limit.

19. Fix some problems.

Last updated