
Released: 2023.09.13

Firmware V2.2.0

1. Controller TCP 30000 port data reporting frequency increased to 250 HZ (except for 6-axis force torque sensor)

2. Optimize the collision detection model.

3. Add friction-temperature model to optimize the experience of collision detection and manual mode.

4. Support compatibility with some G-code of Linux CNC.

5. Add the logic of setting the position mode once after the firmware starts.

6. Add the logic of releasing the emergency stop to get the calibration parameters of the robot.

7. Add data validation of friction and calibration data, and the corresponding error code when the data is abnormal.

8. Add the logic of writing the friction and calibration file to the hard disk immediately after getting data from the end board.

9. Fix the problem that the Modbus setting timeout time at the end of the robot cannot be saved.

10. Fix the problem of slow execution speed caused by the random value of the redundant joints given by the Servo_j instruction.

11. Optimize the handling of cases where the initial speed is non-zero and the specified target speed cannot be reached.

12. Fix the issue that high-frequency access to the end digital IO causes the firmware to crash.

Studio V2.2.0

1. Add Gcode debug page, which can be accessed by typing "controller IP:18333/gcode" in the browser.

2. Python IDE - optimize auto-save logic after editing.

3. Blockly - optimize interactive experience and change some texts.

4. Blockly - motion, support align the hand command.

5. Blocky - tool, gripper command support passing in variables.

6. Blockly to Python, support for Python file content change detection.

7. Blockly - fix the problem that relative motion can not move.

8. Python IDE - optimize the logic of creating files and folders.

9. Live Control - optimize the experience of rotation in Cartesian space.

10. Live Control - adjust the acceleration.

11. Live Control - optimize the reachable range calculation of 850/Lite 6.

12. Live Control - fix the problem that the manual mode of Lite 6 can't be turned off after turning on the manual mode without enabling the robot.

13. Settings - Externals, optimize the interactive experience of Modbus debugging.

14. Settings - Externals, add robot IO debugging interface.

15. Settings - Externals, fix the problem that the payload identification results of 6-axis force torque sensor are not saved after restarting the controller.

16. Settings - Assistive Features, add orientation display option.

17. Settings - Advanced Settings, adjust case detection to before input.

18. Settings - optimize handling of TCP payload and offset configuration exceptions.

19. Settings - add search box for settings.

20. Fix some issues.

Last updated