How to install UFACTORY Studio in Docker

Implemented via docker: Control simulated UFACTORY robots in UFACTORY Studio without the need for a real robot arm!

Method 1: Uploading packages to the ubuntu image


If you follow the guidance, you will start the xArm 6 robot by default.

Note: The following example is installed a new ubuntu image.

1. Download and install ubuntu

docker pull ubuntu

2. Create a Docker and open

On Linux Ubuntu

docker run -it --name uf_software ubuntu

On Windows

  • If only use UFACTORY Studio

docker run -it --name uf_software -p 18333:18333 ubuntu
  • If you want use not only the UFACTORY Studio but also the xArm SDK on Windows, please use this command:

docker run -it --name uf_software -p 18333:18333 -p 502:502 -p 503:503 -p 504:504 -p 30000:30000 -

3.Update the software of docker and install python environment.

apt update 
apt upgrade -y 
apt install -y net-tools wget screen sudo nano python3.12 python3-pip

4.Create user and set the password

adduser uf 
usermod -aG sudo uf 

5.Upload the package of software to docker.

--uploady by yourself

6.Upzie the UFactory Studio and scripts.

tar -xf uf_sim.gz 
cd uf_sim
sudo -u uf tar -xf studio.gz -C /home/uf/ 
sudo -u uf tar -xf xarmcontroller.gz -C /home/uf/ 
tar -xf xarm_scripts.gz -C / 
cd .. 
rm -rf uf_sim* 

7.Start the UFactory Studio in docker

/xarm_scripts/ 6 6

Note: The version of studio launched now is 1.12.x, so you can upgrade the version by following these steps

8.Update software and firmware version

  • upload docker_sim_update* to docker container by yourself

  • attach to docker container, and run command in docker container


        unzip docker_sim_update-*.zip
        cd docker_sim_update_*
        tar -xf xarmcontroller-x86_64-*.tar.gz
        tar -xf xarmstudio-x86_64-*.tar.gz --wildcards linux/xarm.tar.gz && tar -xf linux/xarm.tar.gz -C ./ && rm -rf linux

        sudo -u uf cp -rf xarmcontroller/* /home/uf/xArm/
        sudo -u uf rm -rf xarm/software/python
        sudo -u uf cp -rf xarm/* /home/uf/.UFACTORY/xarm/
        sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib64
        cd /home/uf/.UFACTORY/xarm/software/xArm-Python-SDK
        /home/uf/.UFACTORY/xarm/software/python/bin/python3 install

9. restart docker container

10. Start the UFactory Studio in docker

/xarm_scripts/ 6 6

Note: The 6 6 means xArm 6, restarting the container choose the robot according to your preferences:

5 5, xArm 5
6 6, xArm 6
7 7, xArm 7
6 9, Lite 6
6 12, 850

11. Access the UFACTORY Studio

On Linux Ubuntu

Run a web browser and input

On Windows

Run a web browser and input

If you need use xArm SDK

Ubuntu Linux: the robot IP is

Windows: the robot IP is

Method2:Pulling docker_studio images

1. Get the docker image

docker pull danielwang123321/uf-ubuntu-docker

2. Create and run container

On Linux Ubuntu

docker run -it --name uf_software danielwang123321/uf-ubuntu-docker

On Windows

  • If only use UFACTORY Studio

docker run -it --name uf_software -p 18333:18333 danielwang123321/uf-ubuntu-docker
  • If you want use not only the UFACTORY Studio but also the xArm SDK on Windows, please use this command:

docker run -it --name uf_software -p 18333:18333 -p 502:502 -p 503:503 -p 504:504 -p 30000:30000 -p 30001:30001 -p 30002:30002 -p 30003:30003  danielwang123321/uf-ubuntu-docker

3.Run the xArm robot firmware and UFACTORY Studio

/xarm_scripts/ 6 6

Note: The 6 6 means xArm 6, restarting the container choose the robot according to your preferences:

5 5, xArm 5
6 6, xArm 6
7 7, xArm 7
6 9, Lite 6
6 12, 850

4. Access the UFACTORY Studio

On Linux Ubuntu

Run a web browser and input

On Windows

Run a web browser and input

If you need to use xArm SDK

Ubuntu Linux: the robot IP is

Windows: the robot IP is

Last updated