API Code
xArmSDK API code description
-12: run blockly app exception
-11: convert blockly app to pythen exception
-9: emergency stop
-8: out of range
-7: joint angle limit
-6: cartesian pos limit
-5: revesed, no use
-4: command is not exist
-3: revesed, no use
-2: xArm is not ready, may be the motion is not enable or not set state
-1: xArm is disconnect or not connect
0: success
1: there are errors that have not been cleared
2: there are warnings that have not been cleared
3: get response timeout
4: tcp reply length error
5: tcp reply number error
6: tcp protocol flag error
7: tcp reply command and send command do not match
8: send command error, may be network exception
9: state is not ready to move
10: the result is invalid
11: other error
12: parameter error
20: host id error
21: modbus baudrate not supported
22: modbus baudrate not correct
23: modbus reply length error
31: trajectory read/write failed
32: trajectory read/write timeout
33: playback trajectory timeout
41: wait to set suction cup timeout
80: linear track has error
81: linear track sci is low
82: linear track is not init
100: wait finish timeout
101: too many consecutive failed tests
102: end effector has error
103: end effector is not enabled
Controller Warn Code
11: uxbux que is full
12: parameter error
13: the instruction does not exist
14: command has no solution
15: modbus cmd full
Controller Error Code
1: The Emergency Stop Button is pushed
2: The Emergency IO of the Control Box is triggered
3: The Emergency Stop Button of the Three-state Switch is pressed
10: Servo motor error
11: Servo motor 1 error
12: Servo motor 2 error
13: Servo motor 3 error
14: Servo motor 4 error
15: Servo motor 5 error
16: Servo motor 6 error
17: Servo motor 7 error
18: Force Torque Sensor Communication Error
19: End Module Communication Error
21: Kinematic Error
22: Self-Collision Error
23: Joints Angle Exceed Limit
24: Speed Exceeds Limit
25: Planning Error
26: Linux RT Error
27: Command Reply Error
28: End Module Communication Error
29: Other Errors
30: Feedback Speed Exceeds limit
31: Collision Caused Abnormal Current
32: Three-point drawing circle calculation error
33: Controller GPIO error
34: Recording Timeout
35: Safety Boundary Limit
36: The number of delay commands exceeds the limit
37: Abnormal movement in Manual Mode
38: Abnormal Joint Angle
39: Abnormal Communication Between Master and Slave IC of Power Board
40: No IK available
50: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor read error
51: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor set mode error
52: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor set zero error
53: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor is overloaded or the reading exceeds the limit
110: Robot Arm Base Board Communication Error
111: Control Box External 485 Device Communication Error
Servo Error Code
10: Current Detection Error
11: Joint Current Overlimit
12: Joint Speed Overlimit
14: Position Command Overlimit
15: Joints Overheat
16: Encoder Initialization Error
17: Single Ring Encoder Error
18: Multi-turn Encoder Error
19: Low Battery Voltage
20: Driver IC Hardware Error
21: Driver IC Initialization Error
22: Encoder Configuration Error
23: Large Motor Position Deviation
26: Joint N Positive Overrun
27: Joint N Negative Overrun
28: Joint Commands Error
33: Drive Overloaded
34: Motor Overload
35: Motor Type Error
36: Driver Type Error
39: Joint Voltage Overload
40: Joint Voltage Insufficient
49: EEPROM Read and Write Error
52: Motor Angle Initialization Error
Gripper Error Code
9: Gripper Current Detection Error
11: Gripper Current Overlimit
12: Gripper Speed Overlimit
14: Gripper Position Command Overlimit
15: Gripper EEPROM Read and Write Error
20: Gripper Driver IC Hardware Error
21: Gripper Driver IC Initialization Error
23: Gripper Large Motor Position Deviation
25: Gripper Command Over Software Limit
26: Gripper Feedback Position Software Limit
33: Gripper Drive Overloaded
34: Gripper Motor Overload
36: Gripper Driver Type Error
Bio Gripper Error Code
11: BIO Gripper Current Overlimit
12: The object slipped from the BIO Gripper
Linear Motor Error Code
10: Linear Motor Current Detection Error
11: Linear Motor Current Overlimit
12: Linear Motor Speed Overlimit
13: Linear Motor Large Motor Position Deviation
14: Linear Motor Position Command Overlimit
20: Linear Motor Driver IC Hardware Error
21: Linear Motor Driver IC Initialization Error
25: Linear Motor Command Over Software Limit
26: Linear Motor Feedback Position Software Limit
33: Linear Motor Drive Overloaded
34: Linear Motor Motor Overload
35: Linear Motor type error
36: Linear Motor Driver Type Error
39: Linear Motor over voltage
40: Linear Moter undervoltage
49: Linear Motor EEPROM Read and Write Error
Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Error Code
64: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Communication Failure
65: The Data Collected by the Six-axis Force Torque Sensor is Abnormal
66: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor X-direction Torque Exceeds Limit
67: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Y-direction Torque Exceeds Limit
68: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Z-direction Torque Exceeds Limitrection
69: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Tx Torque Exceeds Limit
70: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Ty direction Torque Exceeds Limit
71: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Tz direction Torque Exceeds Limit
73: Six-axis Force Torque Sensor Failed to Initialize
Last updated