xArm Python SDK
Please keep away from the robot arm to avoid personal injury or equipment damage.
Make sure to do a safety assessment before moving to prevent collisions.
Protect the arm before unlocking the joint.
you can run examples without installation.Only Python3 is supported.
Copy git clone https://github.com/xArm-Developer/xArm-Python-SDK.git
Copy python setup.py install
Update Summary
Compatible with the standard Modbus TCP protocol, providing part of the standard Modbus TCP protocol interface
Support partial Task feedback (requires firmware version greater than or equal to v2.1.0)
Correct the ambiguity that the set_position_aa
interface is true when both relative and is_tool_coord are true. After the correction, when is_tool_coord is true, relative is invalid (previously is_tool_coord was invalid when relative was true)
Optimization pause time is too long (wait=true)
Add common motion api (Enabled after firmware version 1.11.100)
The Cartesian motion-related interface adds the motion_type parameter to determine the planning method (Enabled after firmware version 1.11.100)
Support transparent transmission
240: set_tgpio_modbus_timeout(..., is_transparent_transmission=True)
241: getset_tgpio_modbus_data(..., is_transparent_transmission=True)
Modified the centroid unit of the ft_sensor_iden_load
and ft_sensor_cali_load
interfaces to millimeters (originally meters)
Before running the example, please modify the IP in robot.conf to corresponding IP you want to control.
Copy from xarm . wrapper import XArmAPI
arm = XArmAPI ( 'COM5' )
arm = XArmAPI ( '' )
arm = XArmAPI ( '' , do_not_open = False )
arm = XArmAPI ( '' , is_radian = False )
Copy arm . connect (...)
arm . disconnect ()
Copy arm . reset (...)
arm . set_position (...)
arm . set_servo_angle (...)
arm . set_servo_angle_j (...)
arm . set_servo_cartesian (...)
arm . move_gohome (...)
arm . move_circle (...)
arm . emergency_stop ()
arm . set_position_aa (...)
arm . set_servo_cartesian_aa (...)
arm . vc_set_joint_velocity (...)
arm . vc_set_cartesian_velocity (...)
Copy arm . set_servo_attach (...)
arm . set_servo_detach (...)
arm . set_state (...)
arm . set_mode (...)
arm . motion_enable (...)
arm . set_pause_time (...)
Copy arm . get_version ()
arm . get_state ()
arm . get_is_moving ()
arm . get_cmdnum ()
arm . get_err_warn_code ()
arm . get_position (...)
arm . get_servo_angle (...)
arm . get_position_aa (...)
arm . get_pose_offset (...)
Copy arm . set_tcp_offset (...)
arm . set_tcp_jerk (...)
arm . set_tcp_maxacc (...)
arm . set_joint_jerk (...)
arm . set_joint_maxacc (...)
arm . set_tcp_load (...)
arm . set_collision_sensitivity (...)
arm . set_teach_sensitivity (...)
arm . set_gravity_direction (...)
arm . config_tgpio_reset_when_stop (...)
arm . config_cgpio_reset_when_stop (...)
arm . set_report_tau_or_i (...)
arm . set_self_collision_detection (...)
arm . set_collision_tool_model (...)
arm . clean_conf ()
arm . save_conf ()
Copy arm . set_gripper_enable (...)
arm . set_gripper_mode (...)
arm . set_gripper_speed (...)
arm . set_gripper_position (...)
arm . get_gripper_position ()
arm . get_gripper_err_code ()
arm . clean_gripper_error ()
BIO Gripper
Copy arm . set_bio_gripper_enable (...)
arm . set_bio_gripper_speed (...)
arm . open_bio_grippe (...)
arm . close_bio_gripper (...)
arm . get_bio_gripper_status ()
arm . get_bio_gripper_error ()
arm . clean_bio_gripper_error ()
RobotIQ Gripper
Copy arm . robotiq_reset ()
arm . robotiq_set_activate (...)
arm . robotiq_set_position (...)
arm . robotiq_open (...)
arm . robotiq_close (...)
arm . robotiq_get_status (...)
Modbus of the end tools
Copy arm . set_tgpio_modbus_timeout (...)
arm . set_tgpio_modbus_baudrate (...)
arm . get_tgpio_modbus_baudrate (...)
arm . getset_tgpio_modbus_data (...)
Copy # Tool GPIO
arm . get_tgpio_digital (...)
arm . set_tgpio_digital (...)
arm . get_tgpio_analog (...)
arm . set_tgpio_digital_with_xyz (...)
# Controller GPIO
arm . get_cgpio_digital (...)
arm . get_cgpio_analog (...)
arm . set_cgpio_digital (...)
arm . set_cgpio_analog (...)
arm . set_cgpio_digital_input_function (...)
arm . set_cgpio_digital_output_function (...)
arm . get_cgpio_state ()
arm . set_cgpio_digital_with_xyz (...)
arm . set_cgpio_analog_with_xyz (...)
Linear Track
Copy arm . get_linear_track_pos ()
arm . get_linear_track_status ()
arm . get_linear_track_error ()
arm . get_linear_track_is_enabled ()
arm . get_linear_track_on_zero ()
arm . get_linear_track_sci ()
arm . get_linear_track_sco ()
arm . clean_linear_track_error (...)
arm . set_linear_track_enable (...)
arm . set_linear_track_speed (...)
arm . set_linear_track_back_origin (...)
arm . set_linear_track_pos (...)
arm . set_linear_track_stop (...)
FT Sensor
Copy arm . set_impedance (...)
arm . set_impedance_mbk (...)
arm . set_impedance_config (...)
arm . config_force_control (...)
arm . set_force_control_pid (...)
arm . ft_sensor_set_zero (...)
arm . ft_sensor_iden_load (...)
arm . ft_sensor_cali_load (...)
arm . ft_sensor_enable (...)
arm . ft_sensor_app_set (...)
arm . ft_sensor_app_get (...)
arm . get_ft_sensor_data (...)
arm . get_ft_senfor_config (...)
arm . get_ft_sensor_error (...)
Copy arm . set_pause_time (...)
arm . system_control (...)
arm . clean_error ()
arm . clean_warn ()
arm . set_counter_reset ()
arm . set_counter_increase (...)
Copy arm . register_report_callback (...)
arm . register_report_location_callback (...)
arm . register_connect_changed_callback (callback)
arm . register_state_changed_callback (callback)
arm . register_mode_changed_callback (callback)
arm . register_mtable_mtbrake_changed_callback (callback)
arm . register_error_warn_changed_callback (callback)
arm . register_cmdnum_changed_callback (callback)
arm . register_temperature_changed_callback (callback)
arm . register_count_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_report_callback (callback)
arm . release_report_location_callback (callback)
arm . release_connect_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_state_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_mode_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_mtable_mtbrake_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_error_warn_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_cmdnum_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_temperature_changed_callback (callback)
arm . release_count_changed_callback (callback)
Copy arm . connected
arm . default_is_radian
arm . version
arm . position
arm . last_used_position
arm . tcp_speed_limit
arm . tcp_acc_limit
arm . last_used_tcp_speed
arm . last_used_tcp_acc
arm . angles
arm . joint_speed_limit
arm . joint_acc_limit
arm . last_used_angles
arm . last_used_joint_speed
arm . last_used_joint_acc
arm . tcp_offset
arm . state
arm . mode
arm . joints_torque
arm . tcp_load
arm . collision_sensitivity
arm . teach_sensitivity
arm . motor_brake_states
arm . motor_enable_states
arm . has_err_warn
arm . has_error
arm . has_warn
arm . error_code
arm . warn_code
arm . cmd_num
arm . device_type
arm . axis
arm . gravity_direction
arm . gpio_reset_config
arm . count
arm . temperatures
arm . voltages
arm . currents
arm . cgpio_states